“Seahorshorses, Pipefishes and their relatives – a comprehensive guide to Syngnathiformes”, revised edition (Rudie Kuiter) 2003 – mlssa 1054

“The Marine & Freshwater Fishes of South Australia” (Scott, Glover & Southcott) 1980 – mlssa No.1009

“Australian Sea Fishes South of 30 degrees” (Neville Coleman) – mlssa No.1019

“Keeping Seahorses” (Robert Straughan) – mlssa No.1005

“Sharks and other predatory fish of Australia” (Peter Goadby) 1963 – mlssa No.1046

“Marine Fishes Volume 1” (Gilbert Whitley) 1962 – mlssa No.1047

“Marine Fishes Volume 2” (Gilbert Whitley) 1962 – mlssa No.1048

“Sharks & Rays of South Eastern Australia” (Janine Baker) – mlssa No.1086

“Seadragons & their friends – A guide to Syngnathidae Fishes in South Australia” (Conservation Council of SA) – mlssa No.1087

“2002 Sea Shells – catalogue of Indo-Pacific mollusca” (Neville Coleman) 2003 – mlssa 1049

“1001 Nudibranchs – catalogue of Indo-Pacific sea slugs” (Neville Coleman) 2001 – mlssa 1050

“A Guide to Squid, Cuttlefish and Octopuses of Australasia” (Mark Norman & Amanda Reid – mlssa 1051

“A Field Guide to Crustaceans of Australian Waters” (Diana Jones & Gary Morgan) 2002 – mlssa 1052

“Australian Marine Life – the plants and animals of temperate waters”, revised edition (Graham Edgar) 2003 – mlssa 1053

“Marine Flatworms – The World of Polyclads” (Leslie Newman & Lester Cannon) 2003 – mlssa 1055

“Marine Invertebrates of Southern Australia Part 1” (Edited by Shepherd & Thomas) – mlssa No.1021

“Marine Invertebrates of Southern Australia Part 2” (Edited by Shepherd & Thomas) – mlssa No.1056

“Marine Invertebrates of Southern Australia Part 3” (Edited by Shepherd & Thomas) – mlssa No.1112

“Marine Plants of Australia” (John Huisman) – mlssa No. 1058

“Marine Decapod Crustacea of Southern Australia – A guide to identification” (Gary CB Poole) 2004 – mlssa No. 1059

“Marine Animal Injuries To Man” (Dr Carl Edmonds) mlssa No.1022

“Natural History of Kangaroo Island” (Edited by Tyler, Twidale & Ling) – mlssa No.1013

“Barnacles” (A.J. Underwood) – mlssa No.1001

“Life in the Oceans” (Lucas & Critch)- mlssa No.1006

“The Crustaceans of South Australia” (H. Hale) – mlssa 1003

“South Australian Shells” (Bernard Cotton) – mlssa No.1015

“Sea-shell Mathematics” (Chris Illert) – mlssa No.1014

“Our Amazing Undersea World sticker album” – mlssa No.1036

“Australian Seashores” (WJ Dakin) 1963 – mlssa No.1040

“Below High Water” 1998, edited by Smith & John – mlssa No.1041

“Marine Mammals in South Australia” 1981, by Ling & Aitken – mlssa No. 1042

“The Fish Habitat Handbook” 2001, by Paula Brown – mlssa No. 1043

“Australian Estuaries: A framework for management” 2001, by Smith Sant & Thom – mlssa No.1044

“The Story of Seafood in Australia” – mlssa No.1045

“Sea Animals to Avoid” by Robyn Opie & David Muirhead – mlssa No.1060

“A Field Guide to the Marine Invertebrates of South Australia” by Karen Gowlett-Holmes – mlssa No. 1063

“Australia’s Spectacular Cowries – review and field study of two endemic genera: Zoila and Umbilia” by Barry Wilson & Peter Clarkson – mlssa No.1069

“Shores and Shallows of Coffin Bay” – mlssa No.1071

“Ecology of Australian Temperate Reef – The unique south” edited by Scoresby Shepherd & Graham Edgar – mlssa No.1075

“Stung!” by Lisa-Anne Gershwin – mlssa No.1076

“The Frail Ocean” by Wesley Marx – mlssa No.1077

An anthology of Rachel Carson’s work, entitled ‘The Sea” – mlssa No.1084

It includes:

The sea around us (1951)

Under the sea-wind (1952)

The edge of the sea (1955)

“Natural History of Spencer Gulf” (Royal Society of South Australia Inc.), edited by Shepherd, Madigan, Gillanders, Murray-Jones & Wiltshire – mlssa No.1085

“The Life and Love of the Sea” by Lewis Blackwell – mlssa No.1091

“A Field Guide to Australian Marine Life” by Neville Coleman – mlssa No.1095

“Over the Reefs” by Robert Gibbings – mlssa No.1096

“The Silent World” by JY Cousteau – mlssa No.1097

“Men and Sharks” by Hans Hass – mlssa No.1098

“The Great Barrier Reef” by WJ Dakin – mlssa No.1099

“Beneath Australian Seas” by Walter Deas & Clarrie Lawler – mlssa No.1100

“Australian Seashores in Colour” by Keith Gillett & John Yaldwyn – mlssa No.1101

“Biology of Bryozoans” by Robert M Woollacott & Russel L Zimmer – mlssa No.1102

The Advertiser Wildlife Album – mlssa No.1103

The Advertiser Seashore Project Album – mlssa No.1104

“The Marine Aquarium” (Wolfgang Wickler) – mlssa No.1025

“Marine Aquarium Guide” (Frank De Graaf) – mlssa No.1007

“Tropical Marine Aquaria” (R.A. Riseley) – mlssa No.1016

“TFH Pet Books 1980” published by T.F.H. Publications – mlssa No.1031

“thylacinus” Vol.5, No.2 1980 – Journal of the Australian Society of Zookeepers. Includes an article titled “Fish for the beginner” by John West, Head of the aquarium at Taronga Zoo, Sydney – mlssa No.1033

“A Listing and Analysis of Fatal Diving Accidents in South Australia” by Peter Horne, January 1980 – mlssa No.1026

“The Diving Emergency Handbook” (3rd edition) by John Lippmann & Stan Bugg (1987) – mlssa No.1035

“The Down-under Scuba Diver by Bill Sylvester – mlssa No.1038

“Port River Expressway Bridges – A marine users’ guide” – mlssa No.1070

“First Aid & Emergency Care” by John Lippmann & David Natoli – mlssa No.1072

“Occupational First Aid” by St John – mlssa No.1073

“Towards Ecological Sustainability” edited by Nena Bierbaum – mlssa No.1027

“Marine Pollution Inquiry – Inquiry Information Booklet” – the information booklet about the Senate Inquiry into marine & coastal pollution, published by the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, July 1995 – mlssa No.1028A.

“Marine and Coastal Pollution” – the report from the Senate Inquiry into marine & coastal pollution, published by the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, October 1997 – mlssa No.1028B.

“Watercare – A curriculum resource for school years 6-10” a joint initiative of the National Landcare Program & the SA Dept. of Environment & Natural Resources – mlssa No.1029

“I can do that! – With a little help… Funding assistance for environmental projects available from the Commonwealth Environment Portfolio” published by the Department of the Environment, Sport & Territories (1995) – mlssa no.1032

“Caring for the Environment we share” published by the Department of Environment & Planning – mlssa No.1034

“Environment Protection & Biodiversity Conservation Bill 1998” – mlssa No.1037A & B

“Inquiry into Gulf St Vincent” published by the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, June 2000 – mlssa No.1039.

“Natural History of Gulf St Vincent” – mlssa No. 1064

“The Green Guide” by CCSA – mlssa No. 1065

“Ocean Rescue 2000 Update – July 1995” – mlssa No. 1067

“One Place Many Stories: Antarctica” – mlssa No.1074

“Curiosities of South Australia 3” by Russell Smith – mlssa No.1078

“Mangrove Ecosystems in Australia – Structure, function and Management” edited by BF Clough – mlssa No.1079

“Toxic Fish & Sewer Surfing” by Sharon Beder – mlssa No.1080

“Requiem for the Reef – The crown of thorns starfish” by Peter James – mlssa No.1081

“Marine & Estuarine Reserves in Australia – Towards a national policy” by Dr KD Suter – mlssa No.1082

“Wetlands Wildlife – The nature of wetlands in southern Australia” Gould League – mlssa No.1083

“The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Extreme Weather” by Christopher K Passante & Julie Bologna – mlssa No.1088

“How to Chair a Meeting” (M.I. Puregger) – mlssa No.1020

“The Self of the Cosmos – Unity & Infinity in a self-evolving universe” by Peter Lock – mlssa No.1061

“The Jetties of South Australia – Past & Present” by Neville Collins – mlssa No.1062

“Investigator Strait Maritime Heritage Trail” booklet published by the State Heritage Branch of the Department of Environment & Natural Resources – mlssa No.1068

“Paradise is Underwater – Memoir of a marine biologist” by Scoresby Shepherd – mlssa No.1089

“Wildlife of Greater Adelaide” by James Smith – mlssa No.1090

“A Snorkeller’s guide to plants and animals” by DEWNR – mlssa No.1092

“The Future is Wild at Sydney Aquarium” – mlssa No.1093

“Aquatic Reserves and Parks of South Australia” – mlssa No.1094

“Reef Fishes of Conservation Concern in South Australia” by Janine L. Baker (mlssa No.1105)

“A Beachcomber’s Guide to Plants and Animals in South Australia’s Marine Parks” (mlssa No.1106)

“Australian Sea Lions at Seal Bay Conservation Park Kangaroo Island” by John K. Ling (mlssa No.1107)

“Marine & Coastal Connections 2000” (mlssa No.1108)

“Molluscs of South Australia” by MSSA ((mlssa No.1109)

“Seahorse Story” by Tim Hoile (mlssa No.1110)

“Kondole the Whale” by Ian Milne (mlssa No.1111)



“The World Beneath the Sea” by Menico Torchio

“Sharks” edited by John D. Stevens

“The Living Ocean” by Marty Snyderman

“The Wonderful World of Ocean Life” by Heather Angel

“Subtidal Galapagos” by James Cribb

“Australia Down Under” by Christine & Kevin Deacon

“Australia’s Underwater Wilderness” by Roland Hughes

“The Sea” by Robert C. Miller

“The World You Never See – Underwater Life” by Oxford Scientific Films

“Sea Trek” by Martha Holmes

“Whale Nation” by Heathcote Williams

“Mind in the Waters – A Book to Celebrate the consciousness of Whales and Dolphins” by Joan McIntyre

“Encounters with Whales & Dolphins” by Wade Doak

“Whaling Around Australia” by Max Colwell

“Discover the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park” compiled by Lesley Murdoch, GBRMPA

The Great Barrier Reef” by Allan Power

“Australian Sea Fishes North of 30° S” (Neville Coleman)

“Australian Sea Life South of 30° S” (Neville Coleman)

“Discover Underwater Australia” (Neville Coleman)

“Ocean Realm” Magazine of the Sea 1996 – 2000

“The Deep Sea” by Joseph Wallace

“Mysteries of the Deep” edited by Joseph J. Thorndike Jr.

“Buried & Sunken Treasure” edited by Windsor Chorlton

“Archaeology Under Water” edited by Keith Muckelroy

“Beginner’s Guide to Photography Underwater” by Ron Church (Foreword by Jacques-Yves Cousteau)

“30 Centuries Under the Sea” by Frederic Dumas (Exciting underwater explorations by Jacques-Yves Cousteau’s associate)

“The Ocean World of Jacques-Yves Cousteau – Outer and Inner Space”

“Dolphins” by Jacques-Yves Cousteau & Philippe Diole

“The Memoirs of Falco, Chief Diver of the Calypso” by Philippe Diole & Albert Falco

“Diving for Sunken Treasure” by Jacques-Yves Cousteau & Philippe Diole

“The Living Sea” by Captain Jacques-Yves Cousteau with James Dugan

“Life and Death in a Coral Sea” by Jacques-Yves Cousteau & Philippe Diole

“the SHARK: Splendid Savage of the Sea” by Jacques-Yves Cousteau & Philippe Cousteau

“We Come From the Sea” (Hans Hass)

“Under the Red Sea” (Hans Hass)

“Diving to Adventure” (Hans Hass)

“I Photographed under the Seven Seas” (Hans Hass)

“Expedition into the Unknown” (Hans Hass)




“Jim Church’s Essential Guide to Nikonos Systems” by Jim Church

“Beginner’s Guide to Underwater Marine Biology” by Neville Coleman

“NSS Cavern Diving Manual” by Zumrick, Prosser & Grey, Cave Diving Section of the National Speleological Society Inc.

“The Last of the Blue Water Hunters” by Carlos Eyles

“The Encyclopedia of Recreational Diving” by P.A.D.I.



“…to save the lives of strangers” (Famous Shipwrecks of South Australia) by Peter Christopher

“26 Principal Shipwrecks of Truk Lagoon” by Capt. Lance Higgs

“Stepping Lightly on Australia – A Traveller’s Guide to Ecotourism” by Shirley LaPlanche

“The Fleurieu Peninsula, South Australia” by Peter Dobre

“First Lady – A history-making solo voyage around the world” by Kate Cottee

“Women’s Weekly Australia’s Beautiful Coastline”



“Scuba Safety in Australia” edited by Wilks, Knight & Lippmann

“Dry Suit Diving – A Guide to Diving Dry” Revised Edition by Barsky, Long & Stinton

“Dive Australia 1986/87” by Peter Stone

“The Australian Scuba Divers Illustrated Dictionary” by Robert Berthold

“Diving Around Victoria’s Great Southwest” by Rob Porter

“Asian Diver Scuba Guides – Papua New Guinea” First Edition

“Skindiving in Australia & the South Pacific” Vol.12, No.4, Oct/Nov 1982

“ORCA Student Information Handbook” SSI



“Australian Marine Habitats in Temperate Waters” by Graham J. REdgar

“Inventory of Declared Marine &Estuarine Protected Areas in Australian Waters Vol.2” by Angela M. Ivanovici

“Animal Physiology” 2nd edition, by Knut Schmidt-Nielsen

“Animals Without Backbones” Vol.1 by Ralph Buchsbaum

“Animals Without Backbones” Vol.2 by Ralph Buchsbaum

“Molluscs” by JE Morton

“Nematodes” by HD Crofton

“Bioligical Science – The Web of Life” Part One

“Bioligical Science – The Web of Life” Part Two

“Injuries to Man from Marine Invertebrates in the Australian region” by Cleland & Southcott

“Nature Facts – Fishes” by Len Cacutt

“Oceanic Wilderness” by Roger Steene

“Polychaetes & Allies – The Southern Synthesis”

“Australian Guide to Beaches and Rockpools” by Bob Winters

“Mangroves of South Australia” by Karen S. Edyvane

“How They Live – Whales” by Ray Gambell

“Seashells of the World” (A Golden Guide)

“Australian Seashells” by John Child

“Seashells of Kangaroo Island” by Alan Osterstock

“Shells Alive” by Neville Coleman

“The Fringe of the Sea” by Isobel Bennett

“Friends in the Sea” by Wade Doak

“Beneath New Zealand Seas” by Wade Doak

“Amazing Facts about Australian Marine Life” by Tony Ayling & Steve Parish

“Amazing Facts about Australian Marine Life” by Pat Slater & Steve Parish

“Exploring the Secrets of Nature – The Amazing World of Animals and Plants” Reader’s Digest

“Secrets of the Deep Revealed” by Dr Francis Dipper

“Danger in the Sea” by Alec Fraser-Brunner

“Pollution and Conservation in Australia” by Dr Angus Martin

“The Living Planet” by David Attenborough

“Fish of the Ocean & Shore” by JM Thomson

Understanding the Sea” by Denis Sanderson

“Undersea Exploration” by Ken Roscoe

“The Sea” by Leonard Engel

“(Australia’s) Great Barrier Reef in Colour” by Keith Gillett

“100 Magic Miles of the Great Barrier Reef – The Whitsunday Island” 5th edition, by David Colfelt

“The Great Barrier Reef – In Search of the Real Reef” by James Woodford

“Oceans” by Stephen Hutchinson & Lawrence E. Hawkins

“The World Down Under” by John van Tiggelen

“Reader’s Digest Book of the Great Barrier Reef”

“Australian Seashores” by Isobel Bennett

“David Attenborough’s Essential Collection” DVDs

“A Guide to Sharks and Rays” edited by Leighton Taylor

“Shark Attacks & adventures with Rodney Fox” by Olaf Ruhen

“Shark Trouble” by Peter Benchley

“Shark Attack” by Mike Edmonds

“The Jaws of Death” by Xavier Maniguet

“Shark Hunters” by Ben Cropp

“Whale of a Shark” by Ben Cropp

“Big Fish” by Richard Ellis

“Sharks” by John McIntyre

“Diving with Sharks” by Jack Jackson

“Shark – A Photographer’s Story” by Jeremy Stafford-Deitsch

“Masters of the Oceans” by Michael Bright

“Sharks – Silent Hunters of the Deep” Reader’s Digest

“Sharks – Discover their Underwater World!”

“The Jawsome Coast” by Eric Kotz

“National Geographic Vol.1, No.4, April 2000” – Inside the Great White – Great White Shark by Peter Benchley




REPORTS & FILES (2000 series)

“Marine Reserves in South Australia: Proposals for some future directions” (1979) by Ottaway, Oak, Bossley & Gardiner – mlssa No.2082


“Coast Protection Board Annual report 1997-8” – mlssa No.2125


“Southern Metropolitan Coastal Waters Study Report” – mlssa No.2126A


“Southern Metropolitan Coastal Waters Study Summary” – mlssa No.2126B


“Protecting Gulf St Vincent – A statement on its health and future” published by the Department of Environment & Natural Resources, 1997 – mlssa No.2145 (X 3)


FISHERIES PAPERS (4000 series)

“Aquaculture Environment Management Policy” report 11/4/03 – mlssa No. 4029


“Aquaculture Resource Management & Ecologically Sustainable Development Policy draft 11/4/03 – mlssa No. 4030


“Marine Scalefish Fishery Management Committee Annual Report 2002-2003” – mlssa No.4034


“Marine Scalefish Fishery restructure June 2000” – mlssa 4035


“Marine Scalefish Fishery Management Committee Annual report 2003-2004” – mlssa No. 4036


“Southern Zone Rock Lobster Fishery” (2004) – mlssa No. 4037

(See SA Rock Lobster – mlssa No.2135)


“Lakes & Coorong Yelloweye Mullet Fishery” (2004) – mlssa No 4038


“Golden Perch Fishery Assessment Report” (2004) – mlssa No. 4039


“SA Seafood Industry Food Plan 2010/5” – mlssa No. 4040


“Competition to Collaboration: Exploring Co-management Models for the Spencer Gulf Fishery” – mlssa No. 4041


“PIRSA Fisheries, Fisheries Management Act 2007 – Allocation of Fisheries resources Between Fishing Sectors, Discussion paper” – mlssa No. 4042


Mlssa No.4043 – Management Plans for SA Fisheries, the SA Fisheries Management Series: –

Paper No. Date           Title

33        May 1998        A Discussion Paper on the Regulation of Recreational Fishing in South Aust.

42        June 2004        Management Plan for the South Australian Abalone Fishery

44        July 2005        Management Plan for the South Australian Lakes & Coorong Fishery

45        Jan 2006          Management Plan for the South Australian Marine Scalefish Fishery (X 2)

46        July 2005        2001-01 National Recreational & Indigenous Fishing Survey – SA Reg. Info.

47        Nov 2005        Management Plan for the South Australian Pilchard Fishery

50        June 2007        Management Plan for the (SA) Beach-Cast Seagrass & Marine Algae Fishery


Mlssa No.4044 – SARDI Research Report Series – Fishery Assessment Reports to PIRSA Fisheries

Paper No. Date           Title

91        Aug 2005        King George Whiting Fishery

100      Oct 2005         Southern Calamary Fishery

102      Nov 2005        Monitoring & assessment of by-catch and by-product species of the Spencer Gulf Prawn Fishery

112      Nov 2005        The SA Marine Scalefish Fishery – Stock Status Report

105      Jan 2008          Review of the Fishery Status for Whaler Sharks in SA & adjacent waters


“Fisheries Council of South Australia – Annual Report 2007-2008” – mlssa No.4045


“Fisheries Council of South Australia – Annual Strategic Plan 2008/09 – Draft 2” – mlssa No.4046


“Fisheries Council of South Australia – Standard Operating Procedures (Aug 2007)” – mlssa No.4047


“Is my Fish Worth More Than Yours?” (FRDC) – mlssa No.4048


“Marine Scalefish, Fishery Management Committee, Annual Report 2004-2005” – mlssa No.4049


“Assessment of the South Australian Marine Scalefish Fishery” (Nov 2005) – mlssa No.4050


“Economic Indicators for the South Australian Marine Scalefish Fishery 2004/05” (May 2006) – mlssa No.4051


“Snapper Fishery – Fishery Assessment Report to PIRSA Fisheries” (March 2005) – mlssa No.4052


“Snapper Fishery – Fishery Assessment Report to PIRSA Fisheries” (July 2007) – mlssa No.4053


“The South Australian Recreational Charter Boat Fishery” – SARDI Research report Series 239 – mlssa No.4054


Mlssa No.4055 – PIRSA Fisheries Ecologically Sustainable Development (ESD) Risk Assessment draft reports (June 2009)

#1 – “Ecologically Sustainable Development (ESD) Risk Assessment of the SA Recreational Charter Boat Fishery”

#2 – “Ecologically Sustainable Development (ESD) Risk Assessment of the SA Commercial Blue Crab Fishery”

#3 – “Ecologically Sustainable Development (ESD) Risk Assessment of the SA Abalone Fishery”


“Ecological Assessment of the SA Australian Abalone Fishery” – mlssa No.4056


“Victorian Abalone Fishery Management Plan” (March 2002) – mlssa No.4057


“Abalone” (July 1999) – Fishery Assessment Report to PIRSA Fisheries – mlssa No.4058


“Western Zone Abalone Fishery (Region A)  Fishery Status Report to PIRSA (June 2008) – mlssa No.4059


“American River Aquatic Reserve Management Plan” – mlssa No.4060


“Co-management: Managing Australia’s fisheries through partnership and delegation” (FRDC) – mlssa No.4061


“Mature Worker Transition in the Commercial Fishing (Wildcatch) Industry: “Did I tell you the one about the fisherman? – Final report” – mlssa No.4062


“Fisheries Act, 1982 – National Competition Policy Review – Issues Paper – June 2001” – mlssa No.4063


“Economic Indicators for the Gulf St Vincent Prawn Fishery 1998/99” – mlssa No.4064


“SA Prawn Fisheries Management Committee – Annual Report 1999/2000” (April 2001) – mlssa No.4065


“State Natural Resources Management Plan 2006” – mlssa No.4066


Fishers For Conservation’s “Community Based Sustainable Fishing Education Project” information package – mlssa No.4067


“A report Prepared for Environment Australia on the Management of the SA Giant Crab Fishery” – mlssa No.4068


“People Development Program 2008-2013” (FRDC) – mlssa No.4070


“Social Fabric of Australian Fishing – A case study in South Australia” – mlssa No.4071


“South Australian Aquatic Reserves Management Plan Template” (PIRSA) – mlssa No.4072


“Management Options for Murray Cod in SA” – mlssa No.4073


“2007/08 SA Recreational Fishing Survey”- mlssa No.4074


“Management Strategy  Evaluation fo SA Snapper” – mlssa No.4075


“Recreational Fishing in Australia – 2011 & beyond: A national industry development strategy” – mlssa No.4076 (X 2)


VIDEOS, CDs, DVDs & Floppy Disks (8000 series)


Grey Nurse Shark protection lobbying CD – mlssa No. 8004


Grey Nurse Shark protection lobbying DVD – mlssa No. 8005


Coast & Marine Education Framework CD – mlssa No. 8006


Whyalla’s Cuttles (3 features) CD – mlssa No. 8008


Integrated Natural Resource Management Plan – Mount Lofty Ranges and Greater Adelaide Region 2003” CD – mlssa No. 8009 (X 2)


“Adelaide Coastal Waters Study” floppy disk – mlssa No. 8011


“Hold Up Pacifique” (Vanuatu, French) DVD – mlssa No. 8012


“Living Coast Strategy for SA” CD – mlssa No. 8022


M.Hammer’s reports & fish photos CD – mlssa No. 8024


“The Eastern Mount Lofty Ranges Fish Inventory” CD by M.Hammer – mlssa No. 8025


“South Australian Shipwrecks 1802-1989 – A Data Base” CD by Peter Christopher (SUHR) ISBN 0 9588006 2 6, “The Morgan Project” (SUHR) ISBNs 0 9588006 3 4, 0 9588006 4 2, 0 9588006 5 0 – mlssa No. 8026


“Community Awareness Forum for the National System for the Prevention and Management of Introduced Marine Pest Incursions” (PIRSA) CD – mlssa No. 8027 (X 2)


“Cuttlefish Attack on Neville Skinner at Rapid Bay 21.5.00” DVD – mlssa No. 8028A

“Cuttlefish Attack on Neville Skinner at Rapid Bay 21.5.00” CD – mlssa No. 8028B (X 2)


“What You Should Know About Great White Sharks” CD by Phil Kemp – mlssa No. 8029


“Ewens Ponds algal bloom news story on Ch.10”, “The Land That Sank” by Reg Lipson (1989) and “Ewens Ponds on “Getaway” 1980s” DVD” – mlssa No.8030


“Australian Warships Scuttled As Dive Wrecks” by Steve Reynolds DVD, mlssa No. 8031 (X 2)



“Shores of Gulf St Vincent” and “Michaelmas Cay” by Douglas Steene  DVD – mlssa No.8032 (see also 8010)


“The Amazing Adventures of Gavin, a Leafy Seadragon” DVD – mlssa No. 8033


“Beyond the Coast – Exploring Southern Australian reefs” – mlssa No. 8034


“Beyond the Coast – Preserving Southern Australian reefs” – mlssa No. 8035


“Development and Evaluation of Community-based Monitoring Programs for Coastal Eco-systems & Fisheries Habitats” 2008 CD – mlssa No. 8036


“Save Our Sealife” DVD – mlssa No. 8037


“Marine Reserves – A view from the bridge” DVD – mlssa No. 8038


“Ultimate Shark” (National Geographic) DVD – mlssa No. 8039



“Caribbean Coral Reef” (National Geographic) DVD – mlssa No. 8040


“Living Oceans” CD – mlssa No. 8041


“Using the release weight to improve the survival of released fish (RecFish) – mlssa No. 8042


“Learn to Fish 2” DVD – mlssa No. 8043 (X 3)


“Iron-hulled Heritage Vessel Restoration” CD by Matt Gurn (The Pratt Foundation/ISS Institute Fellowship) – mlssa No.8048 (see also mlssa No. 2287)


“Singapore Marine Offshore Oil & Gas”  2011 CD – mlssa No.8049A


“Singapore Marine Offshore Oil & Gas”  2012 CD – mlssa No.8049B


“Fishing Safety” DVD – mlssa No.8050 (X 3)


“Ghosts of the Abyss” DVD – mlssa No.8051


“Tuna Wranglers” DVD – mlssa No.8052


“Marine Parks: Reserve Today. Preserve forever.” CD – mlssa No.8053


Brian Brock images, originals & reduced CD – mlssa No.8054


Second Valley CD – mlssa No.8055


Hobart Scuttling CD – mlssa No.8056


SDF Ewens Ponds Press Release CD – mlssa No.8057


South-east SA, incl. Ewens Ponds CD – mlssa No.8058


Weebubbie Cave Diving on ABC Catalyst 21- 22/2/13 CD – mlssa No.8059


MOSAIC CD – mlssa No.8060


MLSSA Photo Index – reduced pics – mlssa No.8061


IMAX “Deep Sea” DVD (3 copies) – mlssa No.8062 (X 3)


David Attenborough Wildlife Collection – Planet Earth “Pole to Pole” – mlssa No.8063


David Attenborough Wildlife Collection – Blue Planet “Open Oceans” – mlssa No.8064


Fish Cleaning on ABC Catalyst – mlssa No.8065


“The Society for Underwater Historical Research: Publications 1974-2004” by SUHR – mlssa No.8066


“Underwater” – mlssa No.8067


Port Hughes photos for Friends of Port Hughes #1 – mlssa No.8068


Port Hughes photos for Friends of Port Hughes #2 – mlssa No.8069


Port Hughes photos for Friends of Port Hughes #3 – mlssa No.8070


Diving on the ex-HMAS Brisbane CD – mlssa No.8071 (X 2)


Two Images from David Muirhead – mlssa No.8073


Four Images from David Muirhead – mlssa No.8074


Photo Index image 2707 – mlssa No.8075


David Muirhead Disk 1 – mlssa No.8076


“Abalone Wars” DVD set – mlssa No.8077


Diving on HMAS Brisbane (short video footage) – mlssa No.8078




Diving on the ex-HMAS Brisbane DVD – mlssa No.8072 (Alex Suslin)

“Between Tasmanian Tide Lines – A Field Guide” – mlssa No. 1057

“Life on the Rocky Shores of S.E. Australia” (Wescott) – mlssa No.1023

“Portuguese Man-of-War or Bluebottle” (Ronald Southcott) – mlssa No.1024

“Rockpooling around the Bunurong” published by the South Gippsland Conservation Society (1982) – mlssa No.1030

“Exploring Australia’s Great Barrier Reef” by Lester Cannon & Mark Goyen

“SSS’95 Conference Booklet” (Universities of the Tandanya bio-region) – mlssa No.2038

By Steve Reynolds

Steve Reynolds is the current President of MLSSA and is a long-standing member of the Society. Steve was a keen diver, underwater explorer & photographer before illness struck. He is chief author of the Society's extensive back catalogue of newsletters and journals.

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