We had a briefing on the Northern Water Supply Project by Infrastructure SA at last night’s meeting. Our three guest speakers were Jeremy Conway, Chief Executive, Dan Butler, Stakeholder Engagement and Communications and Mike Morgan, Project Director. Visit https://northernwatersupply.sa.gov.au/ for more details.

According to the page header on the site, “New water – new opportunities for South Australia – The South Australian Government, in partnership with OZ Minerals, BHP and SA Water is considering an infrastructure investment to create a new sustainable water supply for the far north and Upper Spencer Gulf of South Australia, unlocking opportunities for economic growth and delivering benefits to the environment and regional communities for future generations. Infrastructure SA is the lead agency in this project.”

All members can ask questions directly to them through the site. Anyone can sign up for their newsletter. Infrastructure SA sent us a Fact Sheet today. Let us know if you want to see these, although they essentially have the same information as on the website.

Northern Water Supply Project Fact Sheet (2)

Meanwhile, a regional infrastructure study was released today (83 pages) by Infrastructure Australia, the national equivalent of Infrastructure SA. It has some interesting things to say about water security in the region. Let us know if you want to see this.

By Steve Reynolds

Steve Reynolds is the current President of MLSSA and is a long-standing member of the Society. Steve was a keen diver, underwater explorer & photographer before illness struck. He is chief author of the Society's extensive back catalogue of newsletters and journals.

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