
In 2014, David Muirhead wrote an article titled “Opalescent Eye of Toadie – Reflecting on refracted light” – see https://mlssa.org.au/2014/08/11/opalescent-eye-of-toadie-reflecting-on-refracted-light .

Smooth Toadfish by David Muirhead

A Smooth Toadfish with two good eyes

(Taken by David Muirhead)

The article features a slide show of four toadfish images, along with comments such as “I’ve many dozens of similar shots of this adult individual and numerous other smooth toadies. Some are juveniles or sub-adults, while most show equal, or maybe even better, opalescent appearance of the nearer pupil. The colour is always offset nicely by the red iris.”

David recently photographed a smooth toadfish which was blind in one eye. He posted one of the photos on his Facebook page, with the comments “Smooth toad fish blind in right eye at Lady Bay in 40 cm depth today.”


The Smooth Toadfish blind in its left eye

(Taken by David Muirhead)

David had been able to stay close to the blind right eye of the toadfish and photograph it without disturbing it at all. It soon swam off though when I approached it front on (or closer to its good left eye).

By Steve Reynolds

Steve Reynolds is the current President of MLSSA and is a long-standing member of the Society. Steve was a keen diver, underwater explorer & photographer before illness struck. He is chief author of the Society's extensive back catalogue of newsletters and journals.

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