Just 6 days after our kayak & caving trip at Rapid Bay we returned to Rapid Bay on 26th November for a dive at the jetties there. Participants this time were Steve Reynolds, Alexius Sutandio, David Muirhead, Allan Horsfall & Anita Futterer. We all met at the jetty car park in the morning, but our dive entries were somewhat staggered. We managed to break-up in to three separate teams for our dives. Meanwhile, Lisa McLean was diving at Second Valley. She came down to Rapid Bay for a second dive about that time that we were leaving there.

Alexius & Anita were the first pair of divers into the water. Steve & Allan were the next pair to go in. David was last one in. He just did a solo dive close to the new jetty. He took this shot of one of the star-droppers between the two jetties: –


A star-dropper’s living cover (+fishing line)

between Old + New Rapid Bay jetties

(Taken by David Muirhead)

Steve & Allan enjoyed their dive together. Many nice fish were sighted and they were acting quite friendly towards the divers, including this brown-spotted wrasse: –


Brown-spotted wrasse posing for the camera

(Taken by Steve Reynolds)

Many nice invertebrate species were also found, including molluscs, sponges, squid and a large number of starfish.


Just a few of the star fish sighted on the day

(Taken by Steve Reynolds)

After spending an hour at the old jetty, Steve & Allan returned to the new jetty to explore that one.  They both got separated for a short while whilst recorded the predatory behaviour of an eleven-armed starfish. This will be the subject of a separate report.


Eleven-armed starfish

(Taken by Steve Reynolds)

Steve Fifteen minutes was enough time spent there, so they exited the water quite pleased with themselves.

As Steve & Allan left the jetty at the end of their dive, Alexius & Anita were heading back in for their second dive. David eventually returned back to the jetty car park to re-join Steve & Allan there.

Steve & Allan then moved over to the camping ground eating tables (which were conveniently close to the toilets). Following a quick lunch, they had to leave for home in a hurry. This was just before Lisa came down from Second Valley for her ‘second’ dive. Lisa took this photo of the jetty about that time: –


Lisa’s photo of the jetties

Alexius, Anita and Lisa all reported seadragon sightings from their dives on the day.

By Steve Reynolds

Steve Reynolds is the current President of MLSSA and is a long-standing member of the Society. Steve was a keen diver, underwater explorer & photographer before illness struck. He is chief author of the Society's extensive back catalogue of newsletters and journals.

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