I love to see “my wheels” when I dive at Second Valley jetty. It’s great when I come across them during my dives there. I’m talking about large cartwheels and ‘truck sets’ that are in the bay between the jetty and ‘boat shed island’.

I described these wheels in my articles titled “The Existence of an ‘Underwater Trail’ at Second Valley Jetty”, “The Various ‘Jetties’ at Second Valley” and “More About the Wheels at Second Valley” in our 2011 Journal.

I still like to find these wheels and keep taking more photos of them. I took this latest photo of a large cartwheel from the surface during a swim out to the point at the outer end of ‘boat shed island’ on 11th February 2017: –


I took some bearings for the location of the cartwheel from the surface. In my mind, I drew an imaginary straight line from the end of the jetty towards a small cave in the cliffs by the second bay behind ‘boat shed island’. The cartwheel could be found just short of mid-bay by following that line.

I’m presuming that this is the cartwheel described by Steven Lake in “Construction to Demolition – An Archaeological Investigation into the Life Cycle of the Second Valley Boatsheds”. As I stated in “The Various ‘Jetties’ at Second Valley” in our 2011 Journal, “Lake describes the large ‘cartwheel’ as a wooden ‘carriage wheel’ 1.4m in diameter with 12 spokes. He says that it is located . . . (. . . mid-bay . . . at) GPS coordinates 247524, 6066786” (10-15m north of the truck set at 247526, 6066770).

I have a copy of the report and it features drawings, photographs and maps showing (amongst other things) the location of the cartwheel.

Although some of my recent photos have been lost, here below are some past photos, thought to be the same cartwheel: –

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThis photo was taken on 23/1/11. The wheel is at the edge of a bare area.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThis photo was taken on 27/2/11.

22.1.12This photo was taken on 22/1/12.

DSCN0087 [1600x1200]

This photo of a cartwheel was taken by Cassandra Philipou when the boat sheds were still located on ‘boat shed island’.




By Steve Reynolds

Steve Reynolds is the current President of MLSSA and is a long-standing member of the Society. Steve was a keen diver, underwater explorer & photographer before illness struck. He is chief author of the Society's extensive back catalogue of newsletters and journals.

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