Art exhibition – “Dire – art and science on land rivers sea”
Dire 2016 Ar Exhibition Invitation
Marine Life Society of South Australia Inc.
Understanding, enjoying and caring for our oceans
Dire 2016 Ar Exhibition Invitation
David Muirhead took this photo of a male Bluefin Leatherjacket, Thamnaconus degeni, at the Noarlunga Tyre Reef: – Photo of a male Bluefin Leatherjacket, Thamnaconus degeni (Taken by David Muirhead…
Gretta Pecl, Les Christidis and Vicki Martin have now published the results for the first Australian Citizen Science Association national survey about public participation in marine citizen science. The results…
We recently received an email message reading “Howdy! I found this Octopus washed up at Petrel Cove and I can’t figure out what species it is. I estimate its leg…