We recently received a copy of Reef Life Survey’s Annual Report for 2015. We have added it to the report for the previous year. The 2015 report is available at http://reeflifesurvey.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/RLSF_AnnualReport_2015_FINAL_301115.pdf .
Our Patron, Dr Scoresby Shepherd recently retired as a member of Reef Life Survey Foundation’s board. RLS present the Scoresby Shepherd Awards for Outstanding Voluntary Contributions to Reef Life Survey. These annual awards are named in honour of Scoresby as he is a “key benefactor of The Reef Life Survey Foundation (RLSF) and founding Board Member”.
The awards recognise exceptional contributions by individual members of RLSF. There are two awards: The Survey Prize and The Distinguished Contributions Award. The Survey Prize is for the RLS member who submitted data for the greatest number of surveys during the financial year. The Distinguished Contributions Award is for the RLS member who, in the eyes of the selection committee, made the greatest voluntary contributions to the RLSF during the year by means other than surveys. This includes contributions to the Advisory Committee, the organisation and mobilisation of RLS field teams, training, website and database assistance, grant writing or communications, and reporting, but may include any activities which further the goals of RLSF.”
The recipient of the 2015 Survey Prize was Andrew Green and Don Love was the recipient of the 2015 Distinguished Contributions Award.
As reported in the 2014-15 Achievement Report from The Adelaide & Mount Lofty Ranges Natural Resources Management Board article posted on our website, the data collected by a team of scientific divers “are contributing to an international project called Reef Life Survey, which monitors and reports on biodiversity conservation and the sustainable use of marine resources.” (The team surveyed Marine Park sanctuary zones for the first time since fishing restrictions came into force in October 2014. They surveyed areas around Aldinga, Carrickalinga Head and Rapid Head on the Fleurieu Peninsula and were part of local and international efforts to assess the importance of marine reef ecosystems.)
According to Table 1 in the Annual Report, in March 2015, 9RLS divers surveyed 12 sites and conducted 47 transects in South Australia.
Two former Society members are acknowledged in the report for their support of RLS – Kevin Smith & James Brook.
See https://www.facebook.com/ReefLifeSurvey/ and http://reeflifesurvey.com/ for further details re Reef Life Surveys.
(Photo header source:
https://www.facebook.com/ReefLifeSurvey/photos/pb.514607395232217.-2207520000.1452250095./1149348221758128/?type=3&theater )