Society members Mick & Monique Taylor moved to Streaky Bay on the west coast recently. Monique told me, “We started our own domain We’ve secured a new boat in recent weeks & have been in touch with the ranger – hopefully we’ll be able to assist with Sea Lion conservation efforts very soon.”
Streaky Bay jetty
When I asked Monique to send me a report on their activities for our members, this was her response: –
“we’ve got the new boat & spotted Australian Sea Lions on Olive Island & in Baird Bay on our first couple of outings. Dirk Holman with DEW has been on long service leave & will be in touch when he returns hopefully very soon.”
Mick & Monique’a boat
“We’ve recovered fishing lines with hooks & sinkers attached from off the Jones Island reef in Baird Bay. We are concerned that the recreational fishers are leaving them behind & we hope to bring up this issue with Dirk. Perhaps there should be a protected zone around the island with no fishing. Sea Lions sometimes swallow stones & if they pick up a lead sinker with hooks attached that would indeed be bad. We have also witnessed younger pups chasing a fisherman’s baits & lures, so close around the island. It’s an unnatural disruption to their environment & we hope it doesn’t become a learned behaviour for the sea lions. Generally, we think people will leave the area when they think they will lose their catch. However, the colony would benefit from a zone around it being protected from fishing. Especially since the pups don’t venture out far off the island in their first 18 months.”
A group of sea lions
“We also approached Streaky Bay Council about introducing the PVC fishing waste disposal tubes on the jetty & various boat ramps. Some of the infrastructure is not managed by council but we are awaiting their advice.”
Monique with a sea lion
“Attached a picture of the new craft & a young pup we saw off Jones Island (16 months old). The females at Jones Island will be pupping in September & we look forward to seeing them. Hopefully able to get some good photos & observations.”
The young sea lion pup seen off Jones Island
Mick & Monique’s RAM car was unfortunately damaged when they hit a kangaroo recently: –
Mick & Monique’s RAM car damaged when they hit a kangaroo
It’s a wonder that they hit the roo though because they keep these two lookouts on the car’s dash: –
Two ‘dash’ seal lion lookouts
It has been great to hear how our members from the west coast are getting on. Mick and Monique agreed, through Monique, to keep up the good work.
(All photos courtesy of Mick & Monique Taylor)