I read our last MLSSA Journal (No.11) with great interest and enjoyed all of the articles including the one by Alex Gaut about cuttles. I managed to check out the ‘Cuttlefish Capital’ website and was very impressed with the webpage. The cuttlefish at Whyalla featured on Channel 7’s “Discover” program on 30/1/01 and I was duly enthused. Three of Alex’s references were by Karina Hall from SARDI who was the guest speaker at our February meeting. I enjoyed her talk which featured overheads and slides. We also got to check out four cuttlefish slides from our Photo Index.
There is an article about cephalopods in Sportdiving magazine’s Feb/Mar 01 issue (No.84). I am not sure of the title though. It could be “Fish & Critters”, “Slick Armed Bandits” or “Cephalopods: lights, cameras, action!” Akos Lumnitzer is the author of the article which starts on page 89. Each page of the 3-page article features great colour photos.