According to the Atlas of Living Australia, 22 species of leatherjackets have been recorded in South Australian waters. The range of 20 of these is accepted to include South Australian waters (listed below).
Genus | Species | Common name | Described |
Acanthaluteres | brownii | Spinytail Leatherjacket | 1846, Richardson |
Acanthaluteres | spilomelanurus | Bridled Leatherjacket | 1824, Quoy & Gaimard |
Acanthaluteres | vittiger | Toothbrush Leatherjacket | 1873, Castelnau |
Brachaluteres | jacksonianus | Southern Pygmy Leatherjacket | 1824, Quoy & Gaimard |
Eubalichthys | bucephalus | Black Reef Leatherjacket | 1931, Whitley |
Eubalichthys | cyanoura | Bluetail Leatherjacket | 1987, Hutchins |
Eubalichthys | gunnii | Gunn’s Leatherjacket | 1870, Günther |
Eubalichthys | mosaicus | Mosaic Leatherjacket | 1886, Ramsay & Ogilby |
Eubalichthys | quadrispinis | Fourspine Leatherjacket | 1977, Hutchins |
Meuschenia | hippocrepis | Horseshoe Leatherjacket | 1824, Quoy & Gaimard |
Meuschenia | australis | Brownstriped Leatherjacket | 1824, Donovan |
Meuschenia | flavolineata | Yellowstriped Leatherjacket | 1977, Hutchins |
Meuschenia | freycineti | Sixspine Leatherjacket | 1824, Quoy & Gaimard |
Meuschenia | galii | Bluelined Leatherjacket | 1905, Waite |
Meuschenia | scaber | Velvet Leatherjacket | 1801, Forster |
Meuschenia | trachylepis | Yellowfin Leatherjacket | 1870, Günther |
Meuschenia | venusta | Stars-and-stripes Leatherjacket | 1977, Hutchins |
Nelusetta | ayraud | Ocean Jacket | 1824, Quoy & Gaimard |
Scobinichthys | granulatus | Rough Leatherjacket | 1790, White |
Thamnaconus | degeni | Bluefin leatherjacket | 1903, Regen |
Note: records of the Smooth-spine leatherjacket (Cantheschenia longipinnis) exist in South Australian waters, though the species’ range is not accepted as including South Australia at this time. A single record of the Fan belly leatherjacket (Monacanthus chinensis) also exists in SA waters, though this record appears to have failed the ALA expert review. Thanks to MLSSA member David Muirhead for identifying these problems with this list as originally published (April 2015).