Our condolences go to the family & friends of our late Life Member, Brian Brock who died at home on 20th April 2021. Brian’s funeral is being held at 10.45 on Thursday 29th April 2021 in the Acacia Chapel at Enfield Memorial Park, Clearview.

Brian had been a member of our Society for some 33 years. He was made a Life Member in June 2016.

Brian had written articles for our newsletters, Journals and website over the years. A quick look shows that Brian wrote articles for 7 Journals in 11 years between 2003 & 2013.

We published our final Journal in 2014, after Brian had written an article titled More on the adaptations of plants that can tolerate being close to the sea which was published on our website.

Brian’s 2013 Journal article “Adaptation of some Coastal Specieslisted a couple of references written by Brian:

“Vegetation studies in the vicinity of Penguin Point, Southern Yorke Peninsula” by Brian Brock (SA Naturalist Vol.45, No.1, September 1970)

“Tumby Bay’s Biological Bounty” by Brian Brock (SA Naturalist Vol.50, No.4, June 1976)

Brian was a well-known poet, and he published several books over the years, including “Hunters’ Place Smith’s Road, Tharwa” (Ginninderra Press 2012), “May-Day!” (Pioneer Books 1985) and “Catharsis” (Pioneer Books 1981).

He gave me a copy of “Hunters’ Place Smith’s Road, Tharwa” in 2013, along with copies of some poems from both “May-Day!” and “Catharsis”.

My article Marion Bay & the wreck of the SS Willyama stated “Brian Brock’s recently sent me two of his poems which make reference to the wreck of the Willyama and Marion Bay. The poems are quite long, but here is an extract from each of them: –

“The Willyama’s mast you’ll see

In Willyama Bay

Bronze whalers also there may be

Or so our students say”

(“The Bottom End” from “May-Day!” (Pioneer Books 1985))

“Not the same without you, mate.

‘Course the waves still wash Willyama’s beach

And throw up her coal during storms

As the cross swings low over the coastal dunes.”

(“Stan Slow” from “Catharsis” (Pioneer Books 1981))


We will long remember Brian.

By Steve Reynolds

Steve Reynolds is the current President of MLSSA and is a long-standing member of the Society. Steve was a keen diver, underwater explorer & photographer before illness struck. He is chief author of the Society's extensive back catalogue of newsletters and journals.

One thought on “The Life of Brian J Brock”
  1. Brian was a true naturalist. In 2021, I genuinely believe the single best state of mind anyone can attain is to live in, and advocate for, the natural environment.Some are born to it, some toy with the nature connection.
    Brian was born to it.
    I didn’t know Brian as well as I would have liked, when he was in his prime I was relatively new to MLSSA . But I always felt that he was a soul mate, and more…a mentor in waiting, who I let slip through my metaphorical fingers. Perhaps I was too busy with my paid job ,but that’s a lame explanation .And now its too late for redemption. So I’m left writing this, with a tear in my eye.

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