The South Australian Whale Centre, located in Victor Harbor, sends out daily email updates to subscribers advising them on developments as the inshore whale-watching season progresses. Sighting numbers have been creeping upwards in recent weeks, and this morning an impressive tally of eleven whales was reported.
The centre reported the following occurences at 8.40 am this morning:
- 1 cow / calf pair east of Goolwa Beach
- 2 adults, 1 cow / calf pair directly off the Murray Mouth
- 1 cow / calf and 3 single adults off the Middleton Point
Most were 300m or more from shore and the weather was looking promising for whale-spotting.
For more detailed accounts of sightings, you can visit the SA Whale Centre’s online whale sighting database here.
For further updates throughout the day you can follow the SA Whale Centre on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram or call the team on 8551 0750.