The list below was compiled from a review of records held by the Atlas of Living Australia. Only records identified to species level have been included, and those for which at least two records exist in South Australian and adjacent Commonwealth waters. Images of any of the species below would be warmly received by the Society.
Australostichopus | mollis | Soft sea cucumber | 1872, Hutton |
Ceto | cuvieria | Cuvier’s sea cucumber | 1817, Cuvier |
Cucuvitrum | rowei | Sea cucumber | 1993, O’Loughlin & O’Hara |
Holothuria | hartmeyeri | Holothurian | 1913, Erwe |
Leptosynapta | dolabrifera | Sea cucumber | 1855, Stimpson |
Lipotrapeza | vestiens | Sea cucumber | 1914, Joshua |
Neoamphicyclus | altoffi | 2007, O’Loughlin | |
Neoamphicyclus | materiae | Sea cucumber | 2007, O’Loughlin |
Neoamphicyclus | mutans | Sea cucumber | 1914, Joshua |
Paracaudina | luticola | Sea cucumber | 1962, Hickman |
Paracaudina | tetrapora | 1914, H.L. Clark | |
Plesiocolochirus | ignava | Sea cucumber | 1875, Ludwig |
Rowedota | epiphyka | Sea cucumber | 2007, O’Loughlin |
Rowedota | shepherdi | Sea cucumber | 1976, Rowe |
Scoliorhapis | theeli | Sea cucumber | 1928, Heding |
Squamocnus | aureoruber | Sea cucumber | 1993, O’Loughlin & O’Hara |
Staurothyone | inconspicua | Sea cucumber | 1887, Bell |
Stichopus | ludwigi | Sea cucumber | 1913, Erwe |
Taeniogyrus | heterosigmus | Sea cucumber | 1931, Heding |
Taeniogyrus | papillis | Sea cucumber | 2007, O’Loughlin |
Taeniogyrus | roebucki | Sea cucumber | 1914, Joshua |
Thyone | flindersi | 2012, O’Loughlin | |
Thyone | nigra | Sea cucumber | 1915, Joshua & Creed |
Compiled by Dan Monceaux, 6 December 2017