Message from the President
This Code of Conduct applies to all members of MLSSA, including committee members, full members or associate members, and applies at all times when those members are in any way representing or purporting to represent MLSSA, whether on official business or otherwise, during any MLSSA meeting(s) or when communicating MLSSA business to other MLSSA members or members of the public, at committee meetings and at events where individuals represent MLSSA. Only the President may represent MLSSA except where this representation is delegated by him/her to another member.
MLSSA’s Values
In all our operations and relationships we aim:
- To foster the study of marine life
- To promote education and public awareness of all life in the sea
- To encourage the conservation and protection of the marine environment
Personal behaviour – I will:
- act ethically and with integrity;
- act according to the legislative requirements, policies and ethical codes that apply;
- make decisions fairly, impartially and as promptly as possible, considering all available information, legislation, policies and procedures;
- treat members of the public and colleagues with respect, courtesy, honesty and fairness, and have proper regard for their interests rights, safety and welfare;
- not harass, bully or discriminate against colleagues or members of the public;
- contribute to a harmonious and safe volunteer environment by our work habits, and professional relationships;
- cooperate with the government of the day by fulfilling our purpose and statutory requirements.
Communication, official information and privacy – I will:
- not disclose official MLSSA information or documents acquired through my role, other than as required by law or where proper authorisation is given;
- not misuse official MLSSA information for personal or commercial gain for myself or another;
- adhere to legal requirements, policies and all other lawful directives regarding communication with MLSSA members, the Conservation Council of SA and other like-minded conservation
- groups, lobbyists, members of the media and members of the public generally;
- respect the confidentiality and privacy of all information, as it pertains to individuals, in particular members private contact details.
Fraudulent and corrupt behaviour – I will:
- not engage in fraud or corruption;
- report any fraudulent or corrupt behaviour;
- report any breaches of the code of conduct;
- understand and apply the accountability requirements that apply.
Use of MLSSA funds and resources – I will:
- be accountable for official expenditure;
- use MLSSA resources diligently and efficiently.
- not use MLSSA time or resources for personal gain, financial or otherwise.
Record keeping and use of information – I will:
- record actions and reasons for decisions to ensure transparency;
- ensure the safe storage of sensitive or confidential information;
- where permissible, share information to fulfil the interests of MLSSA.
Conflicts of interest – I will:
- ensure personal or financial interests do not conflict with my responsibilities as a MLSSA member or my ability to perform any official MLSSA duties in an impartial manner; manage and declare any conflict between my personal and MLSSA’s duties;
- where conflicts of interest do arise, ensure they are managed in the interest of MLSSA.
I commit
- to taking responsibility for reporting improper conduct or misconduct which has been, or may be occurring at MLSSA meetings or functions. I will report the details to the relevant people or agency;
- to taking responsibility for contributing in a constructive and positive way to enhance good governance and the reputation of MLSSA.
MLSSA Requirements
I am committed to upholding the principles in the MLSSA Code of Ethics. This Code of Conduct builds on these minimum requirements.